The Extractive Sector: The State of Play in Mauritania – An Interview with Haroune Sidatt
March 3, 2023 | CIPE Country Representative in Mauritania Mr. Haroune Sidatt was recently interviewed by Senegalese online newspaper Keur Massar Actu on the state of play of the Mauritanian extractive sector.
Consulting Opportunity: Institution de Recherche Principale – G5 Sahel
February 19, 2023 | Le CIPE cherche à engager une institution de recherche avec une histoire de promotion réussie des recommandations politiques, et une expérience éprouvée en matière de mentorat auprès d’institutions paires.
Call for Expressions of Interest: G5 Sahel Women’s Coalition Participants (Fr)
February 7, 2023 | CIPE is opening a call for participants to join country-level working groups that seek to advance women's political, economic, and social leadership on Sahelian security and development.
Consultancy Opportunity: Appui en conseil et élaboration des textes fondateurs du cadre de dialogue public-privé du G5 Sahel
January 20, 2023
Nouakchott Regional Conference: Keynote Speeches Day Two
November 15, 2022 | Tune in to the Nouakchott Regional Conference, presented by CIPE Africa and the G5 Sahel. Hear keynote speeches from Day Two of our conference, featuring Gwilym Jones and Bakary Sambe.
Nouakchott Regional Conference Keynote Speeches Day One
November 9, 2022 | Tune in to the Nouakchott Regional Conference, presented by CIPE Africa and the G5 Sahel. Hear keynote speeches from Day One of our conference, featuring Savia N'Tahah, Cynthia Kierscht, Eric Tiaré, and Ahmedou Ould Abdallah.