The Sahel Business Coalition for Inclusive Partnerships

Local economies are the foundation of regional resilience and peace in the Sahel.

Placing local business voices at the forefront of security and economic policy in the Sahel

The Sahel region has long been home to complex security and economic challenges. The confluence of these compound crises threatens lives and negatively impacts the ability of local businesses to create jobs, provide services, and generate wealth. Local business communities, one of the populations facing the most drastic economic impacts of violent conflict, are well-positioned to offer sustainable policy solutions that are responsive to the link between security and economic prosperity. In order to bring peace and stability to the Sahel, local business voices must be included in decisions around the future of the region’s economic development and peacebuilding efforts.

The Sahel Business Coalition for Inclusive Partnerships is comprised of business leaders from Mali, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Niger. Together, Coalition members work to advance regional economic and security policy that supports economic prosperity and mitigates the impacts of conflict. The initiative behind the Sahel Business Coalition is supported by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE).

About the Initiative

Launched in 2018, the initiative behind the Sahel Business Coalition for Inclusive Partnerships works to create space for local businesses to collaborate with government on sound economic and security policy for the region. Through its support, CIPE aims to create sustainable engagement within the private sector to promote democratic values and inclusive models for economic growth. The regional members of the Sahel Business Coalition for Inclusive Partnerships hold great potential to be positive change agents in the Sahel. CIPE’s engagement with the Coalition centers on capacity building to integrate international best practices and social responsibility to foster constructive policy action and good governance.

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Partners & Members

Institut FREE Afrik

Groupe de Recherche en Economie Appliquée et Théorique (GREAT)

Centre Incubateur des PME au Niger (CIPMEN)

Centre des Stratégies pour la Sécurité du Sahel Sahara (Centre 4S)

Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie et Sciences Humaines (CRASH)

Centre d’études et de recherche sur l’Ouest saharien (CEROS)

Timbuktu Institution

G5 Sahel

Union des Patronats (UPAS) – G5 Sahel

Union des Patronats (UPAS) – G5 Sahel

Union des chambres de commerce et d’industrie du G5 Sahel

Union des chambres de commerce et d’industrie du G5 Sahel

African Youth in Agribusiness, Chad Chapter (AYA CHAD)

Alliance du fournisseur Burkinabé de biens et services Miniers (ABSM)

BEFAD Mauritanie

BEFAD Mauritanie

Burkina International (BI)

Burkina International (BI)

Jeunes Sahéliens Pour la Paix

Jeunes Sahéliens Pour la Paix

Le Club de l’Entrepreneur de Mauritanie

Le Club de l’Entrepreneur de Mauritanie

Plateforme des Femmes du G5 Sahel (PF-G5S)

Coordination des Conseils Nationaux des Jeunes du G5 Sahel

Coordination des Conseils Nationaux des Jeunes du G5 Sahel